Navia Benefit Solutions Vendor List

Effective Date: July 14, 2023
Last Reviewed on: May 31, 2024

Below is a list of venders we currently use that contain or use PHI, PI/PII data.

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Vendor NamePurpose/DescriptionTypes of DataLocation
AzureProvides storage and processing information for our data.PHI & PI/PIIUS
Google CloudProvides storage and processing information for our data.PHI & PI/PIIUS
AWSProvides storage and processing information for our data.PHI & PI/PIIUS
Garnet/QuartzFacilitates data with partners, clients, and employees. PHI & PI/PIIUS
FilezillaFacilitates data with partners, clients, and employees.PHI & PI/PIIUS
Amazon ConnectManages customer data, including contact information and communication history.PHI & PI/PIIUS
Action MailCOBRA notices fulfillment and mailing. PHI & PI/PIIUS
RetarusFacilitates data (FAX) with partners, clients, and employees.PHI & PI/PIIUS
Wells Fargo (Lockbox)Banking and payment processing.PHI & PI/PIIUS
UMBBanking and payment processing.PHI & PI/PIIUS
Avidia BankBanking and payment processing.PHI & PI/PIIUS
Clippercard.comParticipant services.PHI & PI/PIIUS
ECHOBanking and payment processing.PHI & PI/PIIUS
TPAStreamData processing and acquisition. PHI & PI/PIIUS
Plan Sponsor LinkBenefits administration.PHI & PI/PIIUS
ValenzBenefits administration.PHI & PI/PIIUS
VBABenefits administration.PHI & PI/PIIUS
FSAStoreParticipant services.PHI & PI/PIIUS
HSAStoreParticipant services.PHI & PI/PIIUS
SalesforceManages customer data, including contact information and communication history.PHI & PI/PIIUS
Salesforce - Marketing CloudSupports marketing campaigns and customer engagement activities.PIIUS
ProView Global (PVG)Files, claims, compliance, and other administrative tasks. PHI & PI/PIIUS & Philippines
The Retirement Plan CompanyFiles, claims, compliance, and other administrative tasks.PHI & PI/PIIUS & India
Satelite CompanyFiles, claims, compliance, and other administrative tasks.PHI & PI/PIIUS & Philippines
TquilaAutomation engineering.PHI & PI/PIIUS & Europe
AlegeusConsumer driven healthcare hosted benefits application provider.PHI & PI/PIIUS
WEXConsumer driven healthcare and COBRA hosted benefits application provider.PHI & PI/PIIUS
BusinesssolverBenefits enrollment hosted application provider.PHI & PI/PIIUS
EdenRedCommuter plan fulfillment system provider.PHI & PI/PIIUS
LDI-MAPRetirement plan software application provider.PI/PIIUS
ReliusRetirement plan software application provider.PI/PIIUS
PaypalHandles secure payment transactions on our website.PIIUS
StripeHandles secure payment transactions on our website.PIIUS
KinsideDay Care hosted benefits application providersPIIUS
Stax.aiRetirement plan automation softwarePI/PIIUS
FT WilliamsRetirement plan compliance/administration softwarePI/PIIUS
DatairRetirement plan compliance/administration softwarePI/PIIUS
Admin Support GroupRetirement plan compliance/administration outsourcingPI/PIIUS & Costa Rica
FidelityRetirement plan financial institutionsPI/PIIUS
Charles Schwab Trust CompanyRetirement plan financial institutionsPI/PIIUS
Charles Schwab BankRetirement plan financial institutionsPI/PIIUS
Matrix Trust Company (Broadridge)Retirement plan financial institutionsPI/PIIUS
TTEC Services CorporationFiles, claims, compliance, and other administrative tasks.PHI/PIIPhillippines